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Porting LUARTOS to the TTGO LORA v2.0 Board

Mrz 29 2019

The Problem

I ordered for a parking sensor project some TTGO v2 Boards. Since I am a big fan of the LuaRTOS project i had to port it to this Hardware architecture.

TTGOv2 - Pinout

The schematic:


For all of you who do not want to build your own firmware: Here is a precompiled version with all the features from below. Just extract it to a folder and flash it with the esptool.py

python /home/user/LORA/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 /home/user/LORA/Lua-RTOS-ESP32/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x90000 /home/user/LORA/Lua-RTOS-ESP32/build/lua_rtos.bin 0x8000 /home/user/LORA/Lua-RTOS-ESP32/build/partitions.bin

The Solution

With the given information from above, and some spare time I started to play with the components which are mounted on the board.

Graphics Display

The display is a 128x64px OLED which is connected via I2C to the ESP32.

Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > I2C pin map: (22) I2C0 SCL
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > I2C pin map: (21) I2C0 SDA

The lua sample code looks like this:

gdisplay.attach(gdisplay.SSD1306_128_64, gdisplay.LANDSCAPE, false, 0x3c)

-- Get the screen size
dw, dh = gdisplay.getscreensize()

-- Draw a diagonal line, from the first screen's point to
-- the last screen's point
gdisplay.line({0,0}, {dw - 1, dh - 1})

SD Card Adapter

The SD Card adapter works fine. I wanted to use it with the FAT filesystem - so I choose the following settings:

Component config > Lua RTOS > File Systems: SD Card storage (FAT)

Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SD Card: Interface (SPI interface)
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SD Card: (3) SDCARD SPI port
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SD Card: (13) SDCARD SPI CS GPIO number

Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (13) SPI3 default CS
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (2) SPI3 MISO
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (15) SPI3 MOSI
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (14) SPI3 CLK

The lua sample code looks like this:

fs.mount("sd", "fat")
cd sd

LORA Modem

To get the LORA modem up and running set the following configurations:

Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: LoRa hardware type (sx1276, used in nodes and single-channel gateways)
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: ISM band (Europe - 868 Mhz)
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: (2) LoRa SPI port
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: (18) LoRa SPI CS GPIO number
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: (14) LoRa RST GPIO number
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: (26) LoRa DIO0 GPIO number
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: (33) LoRa DIO1 GPIO number
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > LoRa Wan: (32) LoRa DIO2 GPIO number

Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (18) SPI2 default CS
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (19) SPI2 MISO
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (27) SPI2 MOSI
Component config > Lua RTOS > Hardware > SPI pin map: (5) SPI2 CLK

And the following code allows the device to communicate with the The Things Network

-- Attach the end-device using ISM band 868 Mhz (Europe)

All components can be used together. That was all I needed.

Happy hacking !

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