
Category: Database (6 posts) [RSS]

Jun 28 2015

Reset GLPI passwords in the database

From time to time users are forgetting their passwords for webapplications. Normally there is a "forgot password" link to reset it. If this is not the case then you can reset passwords of webapplication directly in the database. This article shows how to do this with GPLI. ...

Jun 03 2015

SqlServer CPU utilization

Have you ever wondered how much CPU your MS-SQL Server uses - here is how to find it out. ...

Dez 26 2014

Truncate a MSSQL Server Database Logfile

Are you running out of disksapce again because MSSQL Server is eating all your diskspace? ... Well then its propably time to truncate the logfile -> Here is a simple solution to this problem. ...

Aug 19 2014

MSSQL 2012 - Database in Recovery Pending State

What to do if your MSSQL2012 database is in a "Recovery Pending" state. ...

Aug 04 2014

Efficient CSV analysis with H2

From time to tome i get a huge csv file (200k+ Lines with 60 columns) form one of our customers. These monsters are pretty hard to handle / analyze within Excel or OpenOffice but luckliy there is another solution for all of you who can write SQL statements ! ...

Jul 14 2014

Lazy mans oracle update guide (10g -> 11g)

Oracle updates can be very tricky. Here is a small solution how to upgrade a single database form Oracle 10g to 11g. ...

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