Blog Archive

Blog posts for September 2014

Quick and dirty high-resolution webcam

Do you want to run a webcam ? ... Propably a cheap one with a high resolution ? -> here is the solution with a raspberry pi ...

Rendering timelapse videos from daylight webcam images

In my last post is howed you how to fetch periodically images from a raspberry pi. This time we are generating a timelapse video out of it that consists just of daylight images. ...

Creating an animated gif from a bunch of jpg files

In opposite to my other blogpost about creating flash videos from images there is another interesting method to create videos: Animated gifs! ...

Removing old Linux kernels from ubuntu

Do you want to remove all unused kernels from your ubuntu installation - here is a simple solution ! ...

Using vim editor as integrated development environment

The vi-improved editor (aka vim) is more than just a plain editor. With the right commands at hand you can use the vim editor as a complete IDE to write, compile and fix code. ...

Automatically kill hung windows applications

Running a server under Windows is a nice thing and in general this works pretty well but sometimes programs are crashing. But how to get rid of those hung applications on an unattended Winsows server ? - Have a look into the article. ...

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