Blog Archive

Blog-Beitrag für Juni 2015

SqlServer CPU utilization

Have you ever wondered how much CPU your MS-SQL Server uses - here is how to find it out. ...

Performance of the Hutchinson / Drei LTE bundle: HUI 30

Living in rural areas is nice - the only thing you may miss is a stable high speed internet connection. I had the chance to test a LTE internet connection in such an environment - here are the results ...

Raspberry PI as kiosk display

The Raspberry Pi is ideal for the automated display of webpages. This article shows how to set up a simple kiosk. ...

Autostart a program on the Raspberry Pi

Sometimes you need to start a program on a server (or a Raspberry Pi) during the boot process. Here is how to do it ... ...

Reset GLPI passwords in the database

From time to time users are forgetting their passwords for webapplications. Normally there is a "forgot password" link to reset it. If this is not the case then you can reset passwords of webapplication directly in the database. This article shows how to do this with GPLI. ...

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