This article shows how to gain the most benefit of the IoT Gateway from Kepware by optimizing the MQTT topic structure ...
Is your virtualization box running out of disk sapce again? Try to connect a NFS datastore to it. This article shows how to conenct a QNAP nas to ESXi 5.5 ...
Renaming an application within IIS7 is not possible via the graphical user interface. This article shows how to do it via the command line. ...
This article shows how to enable LDAP authentification for vTiger 6.0 against an OpenLDAP server ...
This article describes how to add a social panel (with facebook and twitter buttons) to the XWiki system and how to prepare the blog application to get optimal social linking. ...
Sometimes (for example in software defined radio application with high bandwidths or video editing) you need ultimate read and write speed on your disks. The solution therefore is to utilize a RAM disk. Here is how to setup such a thing ...
Downloading multiple documents from the same location (Document_01.pdf, Document_02.pdf, ..., Document_30.pdf) from a webserver is a time consuming task. Here is a small script that shows you how to automate it in bash ...
APRS is an interesting way to communicate. This article shows how to set up an APRS station with your PC and a mobilinkd TNC2. ...
This article shows a way how to re-establish a VPN connection which get disconnected (for whatever reason) from time to time ...
This article describes how to build a 2-channel PWM dimmer for automotive applications. ...