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The blog about all and nothing

Dez 29 2020

Streaming wireless weatherstationdata via MQTT

This article shows how to stream data transmitted over 433 MHz Channels can be received with an RTL-SDR stick and streamed to the internet

Nov 26 2020

Stream your web/surveillance cam to YouTube

This article shows how to stream your surveillance cam to YouTube using a synology box

Okt 14 2020

Manage your passwords with pass

How to store passwords in a secure manner under Linux

Sep 11 2020

Reverse backup your Linux machine with a Synology NAS

When it comes to backups, then it should not possible for maleware to spread to your backup server. Here is an approach how to setup such a safe backup with a Synology NAS.

Aug 05 2020

Stream public IPTV channels with TvHeadend

Do you want to stream public available IPTV channels? Here is a list of channels and how to stream them.

Jul 01 2020

Simple webservices with Java - SOAP and REST

Here is a simple approach how to provide a simple SOAP webserivce that comes without any third party dependencies

Jun 06 2020

Super simple REST API with Restlet

If you ever wanted to provide a REST Service from your JavaSE Application without a lot of coding and configuration - here is a simple approach.

Mai 02 2020

Delete all emails in mutt

How to delete all messages (aka purge your mailbox) in a local mailbox using mutt

Apr 07 2020

Forward RDP Connections through a Linux firewall

How to expose specific services from within a network which is protected via an iptables based firewall

Mrz 24 2020

Getting Mikrotik winbox fonts right when emulated in wine

Mikrotik's configuration tool winbox can be emulated with wine. Here is how you get the fonts in the terminal right.

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